Public Speaking
Most people would rather die than get up in front of an audience, or a camera for that matter, and give a talk of any kind or duration.
One research study puts the figure at 70% of people who fear public speaking.
Well, It’s an irrational fear embedded in your unconscious mind which can cause a phobia-like lack of self confidence. And As we know fear is an illusion, and this illusion can be shown to be false in an NLP session. Then you can see the fear for what it really is; Perhaps the fear originated from a seemingly inconsequential remark made to you as a child that was misinterpreted by you and this then developed into a fear behaviour pattern.
However you originally created it, I will show you that the fear is baseless and arm you with powerful NLP motivational tools so that the concept of Public speaking can suddenly become not only less fearful but actually enjoyable for you!
That’s right, what you used to see as fearful will be transformed into dynamic energy to use to your advantage especially if you’re not a native english speaker.You’ll have new respect from friends and family.
In my Public speaking course you also have the option of preparing a short speech which is professionally recorded just like this one, so that you have the evidence, much like in the film the Kings Speech, that you can take home and use as a motivational tool…evidence that you can project yourself professionally! Many people play it on their smart phone to bolster their confidence day by day, and especially before challenging events like a sales meeting. It will re-inforce and maintain your confidence whenever you watch it!
You might be saying now. Well I’m really over-extended at the moment I’ll do it when I have time…well just think for a minute how much more productive, how much more time …and perhaps income you’ll have by being more self confident; you’ll be able to take on more in your life, effectively giving you more time. Taking some time now for your future will give immediate and long-term rewards both emotionally and materially in your life.
How many things in life seemed impossible to you and later turned out to be not only possible but logical and easy to achieve? NLP techniques will quickly bring you the awareness of your strengths and abilities so that you realise there’s nothing to fear, and YOU are in control, not the fear. Then it’s only a matter of technique which is developed like anything, with practice. Suddenly you’re in a position to tackle you’re worst nightmare to realise your own dreams…how does that feel?
That’s right, don’t lose another night of sleep worrying about a future talk or presentation, call or email to arrange your one-on-one training now, and tomorrow get up in front of your audience and smile!
Email or Call for an appointment: (310) 359-1698
Client Testimonial:
“Thank you Richard for the best script possible and teaching me how to say it.
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Richard”
Dr. Homa H. (CA)
Public Speaking
Most people would rather die than get up in front of an audience, or a camera for that matter, and give a talk of any kind or duration. One research study puts the figure at 70% of people who fear public speaking.
Well, It’s an irrational fear embedded in your unconscious mind which can cause a phobia-like lack of self confidence. And As we know fear is an illusion, and this illusion can be shown to be false in an NLP session. Then you can see the fear for what it really is; Perhaps the fear originated from a seemingly inconsequential remark made to you as a child that was misinterpreted by you and this then developed into a fear behaviour pattern.
However you originally created it, I will show you that the fear is baseless and arm you with powerful NLP motivational tools so that the concept of Public speaking can suddenly become not only less fearful but actually enjoyable for you!
That’s right, what you used to see as fearful will be transformed into dynamic energy to use to your advantage especially if you’re not a native english speaker.You’ll have new respect from friends and family.
In my Public speaking course you also have the option of preparing a short speech which is professionally recorded just like this one, so that you have the evidence, much like in the film the Kings Speech, that you can take home and use as a motivational tool…evidence that you can project yourself professionally! Many people play it on their smart phone to bolster their confidence day by day, and especially before challenging events like a sales meeting. It will re-inforce and maintain your confidence whenever you watch it!
You might be saying now. Well I’m really over-extended at the moment I’ll do it when I have time…well just think for a minute how much more productive, how much more time …and perhaps income you’ll have by being more self confident; you’ll be able to take on more in your life, effectively giving you more time. Taking some time now for your future will give immediate and long-term rewards both emotionally and materially in your life.
How many things in life seemed impossible to you and later turned out to be not only possible but logical and easy to achieve? NLP techniques will quickly bring you the awareness of your strengths and abilities so that you realise there’s nothing to fear, and YOU are in control, not the fear. Then it’s only a matter of technique which is developed like anything, with practice. Suddenly you’re in a position to tackle you’re worst nightmare to realise your own dreams…how does that feel?
That’s right, don’t lose another night of sleep worrying about a future talk or presentation, call or email to arrange your one-on-one training now, and tomorrow get up in front of your audience and smile!
Email or Call for an appointment: (310) 359-1698
Client Testimonial:
“Thank you Richard for the best script possible and teaching me how to say it.
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Richard”
Dr. Homa H. (CA)